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Prima guerra mondiale
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Opuscoli in lingua inglese

Fabian tracts, London, Fabian society (collana)

- E.L. Hutchins, Robert Owen, social reformer, (1912)
- M.P. Reeves, Family life on a pound a week, (1914)
- E.C.G. Townshend,William Morris & the communist ideal, (1912)
- S. Webb, Socialism : true and false, (1899)
- C.E.M. Joad, Robert Owen, idealist, (1917)
- J. West, The russian revolution and british democracy, (1917)
- H.W. Macrosty, Sweating : its cause and remedy, (1894)
- H.W. Macrosty, The growth of monopoly in English industry, (1899)

Independent Labour Party pamphlets, New series, London, The Independent Labour Party (collana)

- International socialism and world peace : resolutions of the Berne Conference, February, 1919, (1919)
- W.C. Anderson, The profiteers' parliament, (1919)
- R. Lee, Why good men go wrong on war, (1919)
- L. Chiozza Money, Shipping in peace and war : a plea for nationalisation, (1919)
- Indipendent Labour Party Information Committee, The mineowners in the dock : Startling disclosures : A summary of evidence given before the Coal Industry Commission, (1919)
- T. Binns, War profiteering in the worsted trade, (1919)
- J. King, Soviets and Soviet government : how it arose in Russia, how it works there, how it has been imitated elsewhere, and the chances of success for Soviets in other countries, (1919)
- P. Snowden, Prospect and retrospect, (1919)
- J.T.W. Newbold, The Coming crash : an economic interpretation of present day history, (1919)
- A.W. Humphrey, The allies' crime against Russia : an exposure of a capitalist conspiracy, (1919)
- J. King, Bolshevism and Bolsheviks : the history of the Russian socialist party called Bolsheviks, their doctrines, aims and methods, the international socialism which they advocate, and the spread and prospects of Bolshevism in other lands, (1919)
- J.W. Kneeshaw,The hidden hand in politics, (1919)

- Labour Party, Homes of the future : a socialist policy for housing, (1956)
- E. Betham, Co-partnership in housing : being an account of the two Hampstead Tenants’ Societies from the formation on the first in May, 1907, (1911?)
- The co-operative movement and the war : how it has proved a bulwark of strength to the nation : triumph of a grea principle, (1915?)
- How the war came : with a chronicle of events compiled from all the official papers published by the european governments, (1915)
- C.R.J. Churchill, The land : an open letter to his cousin, the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill, (1913)
- A works council in being : an account of the scheme in operation at Bournville Works, (1924)

- J.F. Horrabin, Economic geography : a study course for students, (1923)
- Terrorism in Cyprus: the captured documents, (1956)
- R.W. Ferguson, Education in the factory : an account of the educational schemes & facilities at Cadbury brothers Ltd Bournville works, (1923?)
- Persia,Finland and our russian alliance, (1915)
- F. Maddison, Workmen as producers and consumers, (1901)
- What is co-partnership?, (1900-1909)
- A. Ponsonby, Parliament and foreign policy, (1914)
- H. George, Taxing land values, (1887?)
- T.A. Brassey, Can labour co-partnership furnish a satisfactory solution of industrial problems?, (1899)
- The First of May celebration committee : Report of executive committee on Festival of 1900, (1900)
- H.H. Vivian, Co-operative production : read at the Industrial Conference, St. Andrew's hall, Norwich, May 12. 1900, (1900)
- Guild of St. Matthew, Occasional paper of the Guild of St. Matthew, (1896-1909)
- H.M. Hyndman, Socialism and slavery, (1884-1909)
- A. Williams, Twenty-one years' work for co-partnership, (1905)

- S. Milliken, A tragedy of English history : how landlordism brought poverty and misery to "Merrie England", (1887-1915)
- M.N. Roy and E. Roy, One year of non-cooperation from Ahmedabad to Gaya, (1923)
- Bethnal Green and Shoreditch, Thrift & Skilled Emplyment Committee, Report for 1909 with balance sheet : hours to apply …, (1910)
- Bethnal Green & Shoreditch, Thrift & Skilled Employment Committee, Report for 1908 with balance sheet, (1909)
- Social democratic party of Sweden, Employment of women and the community : draft programma on women's employment, (1962)
- L.C. Webb, Church and State in Italy, 1947-1957, (1958)
- G.B. Clark, The financial revolution : counting the cost, (1918-1919)

- The Proportional Representation Society,Electoral reform : which is it to be, the second ballot, the alternative vote, or proportional representation?, in "Proportional Representation Pamphlet", n. 13, august 1910
- The Proportional Representation Society, The centenary of electoral reform, in "Proportional Representation Pamphlet", n. 72, june 1932
- The Proportional Representation Society, Fair representation : the alternative to popular and anti-popular fronts, in "Proportional Representation Pamphlet", n. 82, june 1938
- The Moscow Narodny Bank Limited, London, (1924)
- A.P. Hazell, Capitalist exploitation of the worker, (1896)
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Address to non-unionists, (1896-1897)
- E. Belfort Bax and H. Quelch, A new catechism of socialism, (1903)
- S.A. Purdie, Can the co-operative movement control prices? : if so, to what extent, and what advantages would accrue the reform?, (1915-1916)
- Independent Labour Party, 26. Annual Conference, Leicester, 1. and 2. april 1918 : resolutions to be discussed, nominations for chairman, treasurer and members of the N.A.C, (1918)
- G.R. Carter, Co-operation and the great war, (1916-1917)
- H.W. Laidler, Recent developments in the American labor movement : a syllabus for discussion groups, (1923)
- J.W. Hills … [et al.], Industrial unrest, a practical solution : the report of the Unionist social Reform Committee, (1914)
- G.D.H. Cole, British labour movement : a historical introduction for classes and study circles, (1922)
- S. & B. Webb, Is soviet communism a new civilisation?, (1936)
- S. & B. Webb, Soviet communism : dictatorship or democracy?, (1936)
- H. Vivian, Co-partnership, (1906-1907)
- H. Vivian, Labour Co-partnership Association, Labour co-partnership in practice, (1900-1907)
- C. Hart, Constitutional socialism : without confiscation and without revolution its justice and practicability : a real remedy for bad trade : letter of a business man to a carpenter, (1890-1899)
- F. Hall, Co-operative Union Limited, Co-operative capital : its accumulation and employment, with special reference to working expenses and profits, (1916)
- T.F. Walker, Socialism in relation to land nationalisation, in "Land Nationalisation Society Tract", n. 62, march 1895
- H. Quelch, The bimetallic bubble, (1895)
- J.F. Moulton, The taxation of ground values, (1889)
- H. Spencer, Mr. Herbert Spencer and the Land restoration league : correspondence between Spencer and the General secretary of the League, (1894)
- English Land Restoration League, Special report 1894 : among the agricultural labourers with the "Red vans", (1895)
- H.A. Campbell, Socialism in practice : what Labour governments have accomplished in Australia and New Zealand, (1918)
- J.W. Mackail, Russia's gift to the world, (1915)
- J.A. Hobson, The new holy alliance, (1919)
- F.W. Pethick Lawrence, Union of Democratic Control, Making Germany pay, (1919)
- C.R. Buxton, Union of Democratic Control, Memorandum on territorial claims and self-determination, (1919)
- M. Waechter, How to make war impossible : The United States of Europe, (1924-1925)
- Great Britain. Ministry of Reconstruction, State regulation of wages, (1919)
- Great Britain. Ministry of Reconstruction, Labour conditions and adult education, (1919)
- Revision of treaties and changes in international law : a report of the international section of the Bureau under the chairmanship of Leonard Woolf, (1934?)

- Verband schweiz. Konsumvereine (V.S.K) Basel [Swiss union of co-operative societies], Zentral-Einkaufsstelle : fur 516 Konsum-Genossenschaften [Wholesale : embracing 516 consumers societies] [Bureau central d'achat : réunissant 516 sociétés de consommation], (1924)
- J. Braunthal, The significance of israeli socialism and the arab-israeli dispute, with a foreword by J.B. Kripalani, (1958)
- F. Zeidler, The spirit of American socialism, (1952?)
- Labour Party, Cards on the table. An interpretation of Labour’s foreign policy, (1948?)
- E. Price Bell, Steadfast France : That nation's aims set forth in an interview with its ex-President and ex-Premier Raymond Poincaré, with an appreciation of the French Statesman by Paul Scott Mowrer, (1924)
- C. Lynch, First aid in the home, (1914)
- M.J. Rosenau, All about milk, (1914)
- Great Britain Army - Middle East command, Aim : army illustrated magazine
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