«Bund» of Poland - The case of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter

t:.S.S.H .. with 1ht• "-"li"'"'' th,1t you should grant J"'m,i!!Sion 1-0 fonn iueh a. Comrnitt-ee on &wiet l{'rritory. The work of this Co,nn,iuee would be blwe<I or, the following princ,pk...,,- All "·ork oftht'J.,\.C., nu<I "bovc nll it" propug11nd,.. is to be foundcd Otl thc conviction th"t (") th_e li~ration of tlm .~ewish m- from cnslavement, purticuharly ll1tlcr11c,~•sl11.vi•ment. 111. m any cow,try. i11e:<tricabl_,.bound up with theliberntiouofatlna1ionalgroup,;ooftha1oountry; (!,) ...,.1 enumcipation of Jewish ma- il, po,Mible only where tho ""holll lifeoftheoo11ruryisbasedon1)rincipk.-,of"'(lçi11ljus1ioo; (e) JcwishlllMi!INlof11llcoun1.-iHrnu,11,thcrefo.._.,togethcrwith1hcl't'llt of1hepeople,fightforaocinl11mlnu11omllernoncipetion. B . . .\n,s. 1. ToBtirnuh'1e.org,miile, ami din.-..:,t,1,e,·nergi,:,;,ofthoJowish m,_'tl,mtl. if1>0llllible,e11tireJewish romuH11,iti{';lofnll oountri<'<'I, in thesuprernoHght ftSRÌll/ft, Hitlcrism. Z. To organi-i(' l't'lief for thl' Jews in oountrit,i und(•r Hitlerite (or ~nemlly l>"tM!cisi)rulc. In perticul-!lr. J.A.C. would ext.e<>d hel1) to Jowi;ih refusfrom thei!eooun1rie;,.11ow in the l:.$.S.B. TheJ.A.C. would endeflvour to achicvo rh,'80.'11i11ll! in ooru1tnntoollabomtion with tho GovernmCllUI nml Cornm1Btl'8 of countri~"<'Ifighting ngnitll!t Hitleri~m ,md 1><;J88<!0<Singmoroor ll'illilcou11idcrnbl0Jo,.·igh populntions. C. )IY.Al<8. I. Thc J.A.C. in thte U.$.::S.B. will try to maintflin oo,mant 00mmunic11tion with Jo .. -s inoo11n1rieoJundcr Hitler'ij nile, with the puqi,o;,eof obtRiningcorrecL infonm,tion on the 1-ition of the Je,.•ish m..._. thcre, of 11treng1hcni11gtbe 8J)Ìrit of t™"le ma,.,._,.,""'' of holJ)ing thcm with all ,nearui iwailablo in their ligM i,gsinst Hitl,,,i.,m. 2. Thc J .•.\.C. will eat11bli~, P"nnau..,m CQlltl<'Ction with the ,,,.,;,. >1eltlo, ment8 of Jewi8h refug..~ from sud, oountries iu thc U.S.S.R. with R ,•icw t-0: (1<) eponooringthoenli$tm,,.ntofallablo.bodi(ld ]><'~lllÌU thcirrceJl<.'Ot1vo uation9.larmil'tl: (b) org1111isingflu"ilinry"·orkingr,ru-tie<1iien•ingthonoodaof1ll-Oill.lurmie,i ,o.nd the ..-11rindlllltrie<J; (e) helping to proviJo work forali othcr rduge,N in thoir senlemcnUI. 3. Contaci will be Ntabliehed with porso,111litiet1,md orgnru88tions in tho U.$.A .• in support. of rheir anti•Uitler propagnndn ami eampeigns for (u) maximum help to tho U.S.S.R. from tho U.$,,\. in fonnofwarmat.-rial.ii fimi supplii.""; (b) ma.'lirnum credit, fucilitiea for the U.$.S.R. 4. ThoJowish popul11tion ofthe U.S.A.will ùo AAkcd toshould.:,rwmo p11rt of thr cxp,:,m,es (both in ,oonoy n.nd suppliell) tU:Oefl><tlryfor tho rolicf of Jewieh refuge,e. from Hitler,ooeupk'<.1 oountri~. now l"t'SÌdt.'flLin tho U.S.S.R /5, ThoJ .A.C.. t<>g,:,thcrwith Amcric,,n oom1"11<ie<1, will ""ork out fur1her pian~ 1-0erJJ1ure" moro ncti,'<l !)IIM.icipetion of Am,,rican Jewe in the fìght al;l\ilUlt Hitlf'rism. the main bnine of which haa ilO f11r i-., bom,, by thc i.:.S.S.B. 18 Biblioteca Gino Bianco