from thu nightm,u'(' of Hitl<Jr s\avcry. And you, who aro unnblu to l><,ar !lrms. do not ,;paro yoursdvos in assisting thc nnny in its tMk of spoo,ding "I' ,·ietory o,·er tho Axis Powcl'l!." To play n part in this war for froe<lom ia both n dmy 1111d nn honournblo <: privilege. Jn th,;- nnmc of thc JcwUlh ma&!CII ond the Jowish intellige-ntsio, whorofH)&Othciroonfidcnee inu~. wodoclnroourr,;>a(linetl8tofulfil thUlduty nnd to dcm!lnd tho opporumit,y of ovoi!ing ouN1Clve1o1f this right. An in8ùpan1blo port oftho problcm of,rnr ia pence ond the problem of n n_owl'olnnd. Wo hovo no dosiro to dwell now upon the crrol'8 of Poli~h pohcy bcforo tho wnr und upon tho wrongs dono to tho Jcwish pcoplo 111 Poland. Wo dosiro 01~ly to llCt out tho following conclu.sions which mll$t be drnwn from 1hccxpcr1<me<.'3ofthc pastfowycol"ll: I. Thc cxiatcnoo of Poland without a eon,;tant threat, to her frccdom ia J>Ol<Sibloonlyina frecdmnocrnticlsuropc 2. A free dmnocrntic7-~uropc cnn nril!C. survi,•o ood dovolop only in oonditions ofpe-aec, only whcn. tho l\nnl military \'iotory, tho co,mtrios of Eu~1>ewillmnbork ~•pon _adct:nninod nnd bold progrnmme ofaocial roform eradu;-atmg nat,onnhsm. ,mpcr,alism, ami thQt threot of ncw wal'8 which 1s rootcdinthocapitalistsyst('m 3. Thc ncw aociRI organi88tion of Europo ahould bo back,;,,I by II ncw political atructuro in Euro_l"' found,..J no longer on antagonismi< ,md struggi"" bctwoon tho difkrcn1 N,u,ons, but, upon n common intero,;t ,md n roll<iinetl8lo dcfoml themsch-csjointly ngaini!t common dnngcr 4. The ne"· l'oln11d mllJ!t b,,oomo nn ,1etive mombcr of a communìt,y of nationawhichwilldecidethofntooftlu:,futurc 1•:uropeinthcapiritofpolitienl frccdom, socini juatiro and nl\liOrnll cqunlity. lt mwit follow thn.t those prinoiplcs ,_vould llJ)J>ly t.o tho intcnull polity of l'olw,d 1UJ woll 118 t.o hcr rel!ltiorul w1tJ1othcr Stnt.c6 and Pcopl<l8. {;. Wl><:thtrl1,C11Cl1Ìlll8Cllnbonchio\'cdornotdependaupontho!l0liditylllld the Crelltive energy of tho working nllt.Sll(.'O; in tho towrlil nml villagcs of Polond nndontheirnbilitytoreoliflethciridcolof11Polnndwhiehwouldbcngcnuino mothcrofnllhcrr,eo1>le. Thnt portion of tho Jewish populntion of Polund wlùch wo ropro$.mt, ,md which iam, orgnnic portofhcr working m11SSC11, willapnronooffort in ordcr to w~rk jointly with thcm in the building of o ncw Poluud bascd on tho proopcr,ty of h,:,r J>COJ>lo nnd tho frc«lom of ijpiritulll dcvdopmcnt of hcr citizens. H. ERLICII. W. ALTER. This allitude of Erlich and Alter is obvious also from the fact thai the Soviet authorities, after releasing thcm, assured them that their collaborati_on with tht; So\'iet in the struggle against Germany was necessary m the joint m1erests of the U.S.S.R., the Jewish people and Poland. In the name of the People's Commissariai for lnterior Affairs, Colonel A. Volkovisky, and la1erthe People's Commissar for th,:,lnterior, Beria, at a special eonference, proposed to Erlich and Alter the organisation of a world-wide Jewish Committee to aid the U.S.S.R. in the fight against Hitler and to cali upon the Jews to devote their energies and their connec1ions to the eommon cause. To this Erlich and Alter agreed. Th~y set about their task immediately. Almost daily Soviet officials vis11edthem in Moseow and after they were evacuated, in Kuibishev, to discuss these problems. As a result of these diseussions the programme 16 Biblioteca Gino Bianco