«Bund» of Poland - The case of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter

on dl() u•rr:itory of thl' U.S.S.H .. I.O t~ko !1'11'1• in 1ho &rml,d struggi,:, 11gaillllt the Gcnnnn inv11dcr. Thoy magnannno~ly forgot thcir ro<:,..nt auflcringill :::~r 'e:~~/~~~; :it:.':~::!."11 thcir ..florts IOwflr<li!ono end, Victory \\'o ooudemn thc Rh•""-' 1.,....p,;,d by ,1,., rnurd.,..,.,. "fX>" th<l victirns. \\'" repudin\() 1111Cftlumnie& no mRlt<:'r whenee th('y oom,.,. \\'o hM"(' kno"'tl thr.,o 1wooomr11<let1. They luwt>l:>e(_snin theMm<l rnnk8with 118foryoorl!, thoy slu,red with ,is for dee11de&our suflcring,, umi our sorrows .. No ono dnro de9eemt<l tho graveoJ of th('OI<)iwo fightf'ni for F.........-10111. Socialism. nnd eh& lnd('J)()<>dcnoe of Polnnd. '111l' mud thnt is being thrown al thNn b~· ilOrno peoplowill ncv,:,r rca<lh thom. 'rho Poliah working mM$06 will for c,•or retain in grnteful memory thc namN of ('omrndùl! ,\lt,:,r ,md Erlich, along with othcr innumcrnblo victi,n,i oftho strugglo againl!I tho invader. \\'o almll nc,-.,r fol'(ICt the <:ri,nc,s oommitted againrt tho worki1'g n...- of Poland, agRinl!I th,:,ir Mo.-<.'ment. 11g11in11t thoir kwlcrs. Not II single dropofbloodwillbeshcdin,·1tin. \\'o are aworo thnt tbc nl'wl! of this nmrder will ~tir tho rn- u,king pan i,! tho underground fìght 11nd re<1istin~ tho inhunum ,.,rro, of Hitk-ris,n. GreRt oodeed mullt be the spiri! to wit~tand the blowa which fflll on tho heroee of tho underground strugglo from llOmllny l!id,:,s. \\'o tnlSt, we know. l~t ;~.~:i:;17·::~t~~()~-= ~;, :::' ;~<l:~ 11 !r!: ·i,:;: 1 ;:~~~( i~1 1 ,::~;.,' 1 ,::~ ;: ':r:; Hepublio-one and undi,·ided will l't'gain hcr truo irnd oomplat.o indvpendenoo, London. Mareh 5th. 1943. l'.\'TER:-.ATJONAL SOCIAI.IS'I'S PA\' THIHUTE TO EIU,ICI-L ANO ALTER Thv unden,ignvd ropl'('ll('nt"ti, •., Sooi<1li~t11from Allhl countri,:,s mmnly flS80Cim,:,thcrni,elvetr ""ith tho tribme IO tho lifo 1111dwork of \'ictor Altor ,md Hen~·k Erlich c:<p_..l in th,:, 11bo,-e ...-.:ilution of th,:,ir Poli$h oomrndefl:- 1...ouil!di:l Urouckèrc, Ca.mille l·luysmnns: (Belgion l,o/xn,r Pur/y). A. J. l)obbi!; Lincolo E>'11ns; \\'illi11m Gillics; J, S. Middloton; Eloanor Ste,.·art.; .\l11ry E. Sutl,crlAnd; Ja,11e9 \\'11lk<.'r, .\I.P., (Bn·1,'4/, /,ulx>t,r Party). JOl!('f W!linn: (Cz«hoaloooJ.· Socia/ Dcnocrotie La~ncr Party). Loui$ Uvy , (J,'ecncli Soci<ili4I Party). Alf &werin, (Nortt-egia,1 Lalx>ur Party), Ocrl Lockcr, (1'1,/uti,1(: J(icù/i r.,,,oou, /'(Jrl!J)- Biblioteca Gino Bianco Fondazione Alfred Lewia Biblioteca Gino Bianco 31