~nny of Nazi.hcld Poillnd ..,,d 1':uropc, ,...,, will follow in lhe footdtel)òl of out 1lluS1.rio11i1 lcadcr1 and oontinue, M heretefore. t-0 ,nake our o(mtribution tOwartl a ~pe«fy ddory oj 11/ltlte Unit«l .'\i(JIWflfOt'\'r fht, A:n, Ol)ut1lriu. A;,, ~ ~!~~::· :. i:i:..t::t'~~~~~ ::::1g;.::is 1 ,~. 1!~~;t~·t~ ";!;.~:~;;r.:; 1 ~~1:~ M 1JO&!ible. We aro flnnly oo,winc«I that tho oommon 1ri11mph or tho 'Unitcd Natlol\il will p1wo thoJ WilYfora ,,...,., order of tnie f....,.,dom 11ncltn,o $ooii1li~m throughout l':urop<', including alao Ru"'!Ìil it,iclf. lrtdt-dart-: The murder of lfonryk l,!rlieh and \'ietor Alter i, a dcee<:ration of tbeh.igh IWlw 11,ndidoal• for "·hioh tene of miltion;, of 1x-o1)lo-mernben of tho Unite< N•1ioiw farnity-ro ,1hodding their blood. For this we hold r,:,illOtllliblo ilnd condemn not tho Soviet poopfo. bui thoite who rule in it.i nanw. 'l'hey 11re w biamo for wid,:,ning the trsi:rie gulf l,c,tween ti,,:, world of Soeiillis,n Ami Comrnunism. Wewillne,·erforgctth,:,irbloodydood! Tlie a.,miYCNl\ry of their crime will romain n day Mered to tho mernory of Henryk Erlich 11ndVict-OrAlter M long il8 tl1'.""' ijlu11l cxist. a Jewish workirll,!:• cWW!aml Il Socialistl11bourmo,·cmcnt. .Sew York, :\lnrch. 1013. Amtrieml Rtprut11tmW11 oj 1M OutUOl J-i,11 ll'orte••• UnW11 <>JPok111d. l-'ortig11 DdegatiQft 0/1/t,t, 1·<>ulhOrgon,a,:,1ionoj/Jit, Gem:rol Jet<:1,h ll'ori'('r~• UnÌ<m o/ />OOl,11I • POLISH SOC"IALl:S'l"S JOI~ 'l'HEIR JEWISl:l COllRAOE.S IN TIIEJR SORROW i;~~:.i:~:i~~:~~~~j~;~;n ;=r~: 01:; ~t i:lc: ;~ pcl'l!Onnl fricndship tl111tformcd n strong link botwN•n us nml tlwm. ,1·~~~;;.:c1'?is'f:1: 1~.r s':.!c7~1::.~·';~"~1!"i?~it~~~!;)~~i ,J,,,.•i,J, l.abour )low,mcnt. tlwy N.'gtlr<led it ali thcir finit duty t-0 lìgbt fora b,·11..-rlif\" oftheJcwigh """- in the Polish lt.lpnblie. yc1 thcy did noi forg,,:t tlwir duty of real n11J 8il1('('1'\"!!Olidnrity with the Poli,i,h work\"r and 1-nt ,ru..,,;,amltheir)lo,-em\"nt. Thn,lk!I to their work nnd m>de'r their leadcnihip. tho eolidarit~· of 11lltho working people of l'o].,nd grew and dcw•lopcd mio n li,·i•ll; body without 1li-tinetion of origln, religion or nntionality. Thr.t 'IOlìdnrity WAA1ho be,n .,,,.J ijUpremo oxpl'('IMion of Po!L'!h national J/1\trio•ism. lt WRScmbo(lt('d in •h~l><:tllOnsofAJtcrAncll'.:rlioh. Th,•y g1wo now J>roof~ of that patriotiem in tho oou~ of thi.! w,1r. ~'ully ""'flre ofthco,·crwhehnin!I' i!ll!><:riority of1heenerny, Alt<"r,rnd Eri idi 11p1-lcd ~7:St~ :r~~!~t~'!i~·~~ ~;:s ~cii:::;:;·i~:.:;:,i Biblioteca Gino Bianco