Liston M. Oak - Free and unfettered

on what -terms ? I realize the necessity 6£ working with the Communists and the need for friendly relations with the USSR, but not at the price of surrendering Polish independence and Socialist ideals. The conflkt in Poland as in many other countries is between democracy and totalitarianism." " The Government is afraid, not of the men in the forests, the bandits, but of the people, because it is a minority and unrepresentat' ve regime, imposed upon Poland. Any honest election wo, -Id show the weakness of the Communists. That \is the reason ior this campaign of intimidation against the critics , rnd opponents of the PPR and the official PPS, who rule py sheer force and not by the people's consent," - - \ " Perhaps I am wrong. But why then do they not let me express my views and answer me ? The truth js not revealed by force, but by investigation and discussion, by reason. But those if\ power are afraid of criticism, as they are afraid of the majority, y.pether in Poland or in the councils of the United Nations. The Communists consider themselves the elite who have the right tq decide everything, to impose their decisions upon @ver o e." "Many Poles have told me,' We must wait and see what will happen,' " Zulawski continued. " I answered that politics is not like the weather-it does not change of itself, but must be changed by men. Those who wait passively and hope for a favourable change, who think fatalistically that nothing can be done now, are deceiving themselves." He ridiculed the accusation that Wasik, Galaj, Szturm de Sztrem, of the PPS, and Mierzwa of the PSL, and others are guilty of "collaboration with the underground." "Before the war," he fnid ironically, "Socialists were arrested for contact with the Communists. Now they are arrested for contact with those who in fear of death at the hands of the UB have escaped into forests." He made it clear that he does not advocate the use of violence against his political opponents. He urges all who joined the underground for ideological reasons to abandon their futile, armed resistance, and to return to normal life and non-violent 27 BibliotecaGino Bianco