Liston M. Oak - Free and unfettered

Insurance Institution in Cracow and of the National Union of Social Insurance Institutions in Poland. In the Sejm this social democrat fought against every totalitarian proposal. He was always an uncompromising enemy of Fascism. As vice-marshal of the Sejm he was the champion of democracy. As president of the Polish Socialist Party he combatted Communist influence. · During the German occupation he participated in the underground Council of all the democratic parties from his hideout in the country near Cracow. In June, 1945, he went to Moscow on the invitation of Stalin to participate in the creation of a provisional government of national unity. Zulawski's determined effort to recreate, after the war, a unified and democratic Socialist Party, independent of Communist control, was defeated by the Kremlin and its stooges. The PPS was created by the capitulation of pre-war Socialists to the demands of the Communists. In December, 1945, he joined the official Socialist Party under conditions guaranteeing to his group freedom to advocate their ideals within the party. But the promises made to him were broken and in November,1946, Zulawski resigned from the official PPS and sought to form the Polish Social Democratic Party. The Government again refused to license this party. (In pre-war Poland it was not necessary to get a license to organize a party). Hence Zulawski became a candidate to the Sejm on the list of the PSL (Peasant Party) and was elected on Jan. 19 from Cracow. His will be the only voice in the new Sejm speaking for the ideals of social democracy. Together with 27 deputies of the PSL he will continue to struggle for the independence of Poland. "One method of changing the government and society," Zulawski said to me, "is the Bolshevik way-by a revolutionary minority. But a minority party can rule only by the exercise of coercion. Such a revolution may be a disaster. It is the way, not only of the Communists, but of the Nazis and Fascists. it dktatorship of th/;!•min9rity over the majority." . .. '' R.ealpolitk . riecessit#e:S -collaboratior:i, of !Soci:ilists and Communists in. the government .and with Soviet Russia-but 26 BibliotecaGino Bianco