Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

-·--····-··-------··-·-·····---···-·-·····-··-··-·-·-·-··-··-· ..... ' --··-··-·-·--·-·-·-·-· NON-COMMUNIST ANARCHISTS. Before we proceed let me make a short explanation. I owe it to those Anarchists who are not Communists. Becauseyou shoukl know that not all Anarchists are Communists : not all of them believe that Communism-social ownership and sharing according to need-would be the best and justest economic arrangement. I have first explained to you Communist Anarchism because it is, in my estimation, the most desirable and practical form of society. The Communist Anarchists hold that only under Coipmunist conditions could anarchy prosper, and equal liberty, justice and wellbeing be assured to every one without discrimination. But there are Anarchists who do not believe in Communism. They can be generally classed as Individualists and Mutualists.* All Anarchists agree on this fundamental position : that govern• ment means injustice and oppression, that it is invasive, enslaving, and the greatest hindrance to man's development and growth. They all believe that freedom can exist only in a society where there is no .compulsion of any kind, All Anarchists are therefore at one on the basic principle of abolishing government. They disagree mostly on the following points : First : the manner in which Anarchy will come about. The Communist Anarchists say that only a social revolution can abolish government and establish Anarchy, while Individualist Anarchists and Mutualists do not believe in revolution. They think that present society will gradually develop out of government into a non-governmental condition. Second: Individualist Anarchists and Mutualists· believe in individual ownership as against the Communist Anarchists who see in the institution of private property one of the main sources of injustice and inequality, of poverty and misery. The Individualists and Mutualists maintain that liberty means " the right of every one to the product of his"toil " ; which is true, of course. Liberty does mean that. But the question is not whether one has' a right to his product, but whether there is such a thing as an individual product. • The Mutualists, though not calling themaelvee Anarchiata (probably because the nanie is so misunderstood), are neverthelea thoroughgoing Anarchists, since they dilbelieve in government and political authority of aD} kind. 40 B•bl1oteca Gino Bianco