Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

WILL COMMUNIST ANARCHISM WORK? F greater and more significant will be the results of such liberty, -/:ffects upon man's mind, upon his personality. The abolition of ~e coercive external will, and with it of the fear of authority, will loosen the bonds of moral compulsion no less than of economic and physical. Man's spi~it will breathe freely, and that mental ema~cipation will be the birth o~·a 1;1ewculture, ·of a· n~w h~amty. Imperatives and taboos will disappear, and man will begm to be himself to develoP.and express his individual tendencies and uniqueness. instt:ad of~, thou shalt not/'. !he,,public co~science wil_l~ay "thou mayest, taking full r~sponsibih~y. . That will be ~ trammg in human dignity and self-rehanc~, begmnmg ~t home a?d m school, which will produce a new race with a new attitude to hfe. The man of the coming day will see and,feel existence on. an entirely different plane. Living to him will be an art and a joy. He will cs:ase to consider it as a race where every one must try to become as good a runner as the fastest. He will regard leisure as more important than work, and work will fall into its proper, subordinate place as the means to leisure, to the enjoyment of life. Life will mean the striving for finer cvltural. values, the penetration of nature's mysteries, the attainment of higher truth. Free to exercise the limitless possibilities of his mind, to pursue his love of knowledge, to apply his inventive genius, to create, and to soar on the wings of imagination, man will reach his full stature and become man indeed. He will grow and develop according to his nature. He will scorn uniformity, and human diversity will give him increased interest in, -and a more satisfying sense of, the richness of being. Life to him will not consist of functioning but in living, and he will attain the greatest kind of freedom man is capable of, freedom in joy. - . "That day lies far in the future," you say; " how shall we bring it about ? " Far in the future, maybe; yet perhaps not so far-one cannot ~ell. At any rate we should always hold our ultimate object in view if_we are to remain on the right road. The change I have described will not come over night; nothing ever does. It will be a gradual d~elopment, as ev,erything in nature and social life is. But a logic:tl, necessary, and, I dare say, an inevitable development. Inevit~ble,. because the whole trend of man's growtl'i has been in that d_irectio!l; e".en if in zigzags, often losing its way, yet always returmng to the right path. · , . How, th en,,might _it be brought about? B·bhoteca G ro Bianco 39