Il piccolo Hans - III - n.12 - settembre-dicembre 1976

The bird in the case was Belinda of the Dorans, a more than quinquegintarian (Terziis prize with Serni me­ dal, Cheepalizzy's Hane Exposition) and what she was scratching and the hour of clokking twelve looked for all this zogzag world like a goodish-sizedsheet of letterpaper originating by transhipt from Boston (Mass.)....(p. 111) The proteiform graph itself is a polyhedron of scriptu­ re. There was a time when naif alphabetters would have written it down the tracing of a purely deliquescent recidivist, possibly ambidextrous, snubnosed probably and presenting a strangely profound rainbowl in his (or her) occiput... (p. 107). Say, baroun lousadoor, who in hallhagal wrote the durn thing anyhow? Erect, beseated, mountbank, against a partywall, below freezi-grade, by the use of quill or style, with turbid or pellucid mind... (p. 108). 40