Liston M. Oak - Free and unfettered

tween · two worlds, two ideologies, grows sharper. The cleav- !1-g<is? greater than ever and cannot be bridged. There can be ho slightest doubt that the PSL and other anti-Communist forces in Poland are the allies of Britain and America, despite our ! , betrayal of them. They fought heroically on -our side against · :Nazi6m ; but we are not fighting very heroically on their side . ·now. The battle of diplomatic notes goes on. What next ? '·, ..·, Those who argue that we must wait and see; those who ' i&ay,·,thatwe must resign ourselves to the domination of Poland •.J,!by ;R;µ~sia,,would be the first to protest if the USA took the ' : p·o_stt'ionthat since Mexico is geographically contiguous to us, . ·•''.the-:Mexicans.must capitulate to whatever demands the USA may i m.ake, ind elect a government okayed by Washington. ·; 1 :_:;'fhe Herald Tribune (Jan. 21) comments that "Poland could :. ;not ·afford to have an election whose results would have been • '·; 1 <.ccjn~trµed15yRussia as 'unfriendly.'" Can the USA or Britain . ;: ~:;'.~1[~td:"·to h~ve election~ anywhere which are really unfriendl!, .·.' ,..;wl}.ith menace peace, which make a mockery of the Atlantic · · .!'Ch:J;t'terand-our declared war aims and pledges, which encourage ' .', 1 frLrtlih Soviet imperialism ? : · .. \ ~ikolajczyk denies categorically that the choice in Poland ;; .' 4e$,1:between a revolutionary Communist dictatorship and a ', '\ '. _! ~-~sRist~uhra-nationalist dictatorship._ The PSL, by far the strong- . ·".,;,_;,~sfparty, ~a~ a program more ra~1cal th~n that of Roosev~lt's ., :~-.·./NFr.:Deal; 1tmcludes not only drastic agranan reform, but nat10n- ;· .f _'. .'•:alizat,ionof basic industries-as wel{ as friendly relations with . '•.., '. ;rv.t:,os~;W.-The PSL opposes the Government Bloc, not because ',,: '- l ~1,1 ·::r~~f§, ?cia~~t ,refor~ns, which t~e PSL supports, but because it is . ,'d:1'',~ ,a puRf>etregime ruling by coerc10n. If the PPS were free to form , 1; Jt,~;~'f ~h_i'r~dfront with the PSL, together they would command the •• , 1,t~\~egiance of 90 per cent. of the Polish people. Forming a coal- , · :i , 1 ; ,},;)hP,!f'so~er?µi~nt, with a minority o_fposts given to the_minority ,·)J,. ,·;~a.qies,:mducding the PPR and an independent Catholic Labour / ..:!1.,1 1 ':'f.P/~y as· .~ell ·as an independent National Democratic Party , ','. f}J1 :if liJf!,}IJ~~ .. of its right-wing reactionaries), such a regime could ; ;·..:,.'.~:+· i~f~~!f t.~ cou~try t~ ~tability an~ peaceful progress, wipe _out :i'. •:f\·:,t¥1,~~~#::y,:_~n9;afit.1-Sen:i1ttasnmd, build~ powerful bulwark agamst , ' t. ~ . l. • /.~i1,f ~Jg~r ",of Fascism that may exist. • '>ri/~l~'lt~ "i~ 11+ • ,, .• • ' t ··v~~,.,, -~ • · , ,. , 1 '', ,;.-:,'{' i"' .,, ;:}/' · 40 ' ;'. '1 ~.,,.,., ·/ ir.1( ,l. ·, ' · ' .:,,,. I ! '·, Ii. -~l.'}• /oi' ' . , ' . . . . . f,vi ,'AfY~f, .• ..·.·.··· , ;) ~~~}i :.'i:, . ; ', '' ·,h "'~-I . . 'Bibliotec;::~~:1/.· a1co' . · •~ I ,• t. •~<_.;'..i' :~-: ,i I•