Liston M. Oak - Free and unfettered

Stalin bluntly told Mikolajczyk and Cyrankiewicz that the PSL and PPS together could not be given 5 I per cent. of the effective control of the Government being formed ; they could have only 45 per cent. regardless of any election results. The Soviet Government would regard any Polish regime as intolerable in which the Communists did not have a majority of the key posts, Stalin declared. Negotiations between the PPS and PPR within Poland failed to produce a satisfactory pact; and so on Nov. 3, 1946, their leaders flew again· to Moscow where the terms of the agreement signed on November 28 were outlined to them. The chastened PPS was compelled to capitulate and agree to three disastrous conditions of the united front : they had to declare that " there are no ideological differences between the Communists and the Socialists " ; the youth organizations of both are to work toward a merger ; and the PPS leaders pledged themselves to purge their party of those who adhered to the principles of pre-war social democracy. The Socialists who proved "disloyal" to the terms of this pact of capitulation were to be denounced by their own comrades. Thus PPS leaders who oppose totalitarianism, have been arrested and have even confessed in trials reminiscent of the infamous Moscow purge trials that they have collaborated with the underground-notably Wasik, Galaj and Szturm de Sztrem. Mierzwa of the PSL likewise confessed. Equally Obarski, one of the pre-war staff of the Socialist Robotnik, is now in jail, as well as Felix Misiorowski and many others, who are held incommunicado. I could not see them, and neither can their relatives. A further humiliating condition of the PPR-PPS pact is that the Socialists are obliged to fight the PSL as the agent of AngloAmerican imperialism and the legal superstructure of the underground. Wladyslaw Gomulka, who with Jacob Berman and Hilary Mine, forms the all-powerful triumvirate behind the facade of the "Democratic Bloc," hailed the pact as a legal rn.arriage of the two parties of the working class ; but certainly the children of this marriage will not be Socialists, but Communists, 23 Biblioteca Gino Bianco