Liston M. Oak - Free and unfettered

I cynical. ;H~·. 'value~ . power above idealism. Faced with a ./1· choice· ·of becoming an emigre pr following the example of Zulawski · a~d Mikolajczy~, ~hich -n:ieant ~ven~_al.i~oladon a,nd · ~rustration~ or .accepting the te~ms o[ the p~ct.w~~h~htCo~un1sts, h~ cho_se,~o play a ,¥ach1avel11a?,,r_ol~:y. .B.1;1th,t.r:~ _ls, lit:le doubt mind that the ,new :Premier .qf Po1:rµd:,desp1sessuch men as Jan ~tanczyk whose. capi'tdlatt~;;:-,hi~ i·~;t9 co~plete; he made a deal, but he will fight to• maintain for, his I party a degree of independence~ hopirlg. for 'a more favourcabk relationship of forces at somt; futu.re1time,. for ~n opportunity to regain full independence. · · · THE UNITED FRONT. The first agreement· reached with th~ · Soviet Government by the Polish Governm~nt, .'-'of. National Unity, " was negotiated under conditions of :extr,eme difficulty',: fo. .J~ne, 1945, when the 16 Poles who led the anti-Nazi re'sista~ce Were on trial · in Moscow. They had come out of hidi.r;i.g'at the iO:vitation of the Russians to participate in the formiltipn' '.:of'a .pro~isional government. Their trial was a, 'demonstration;, a warping to 1 other Poles like Cyrankiewicz, that opposition to' Soviet control / would be swiftly punished. . · · · The capitulation to Stalin's demand~ by .J~n Stanczyk and others made the task of Mikolajczyk and C)frankiewicz almost impossible. But some concessions were graciQ?us'lygiven by the Kremlin, and after the signing of the agree~ent and after the Potsdam pact, the Government, which Mikolajczyk had entered, with the aid of the PSL and PPS was able to check the looting of Poland, at least partly and temporarily. Russia gave up the demand for 50-50 trusts, and 51 per cent. of the industrial equipment of the " reconquered territories " as reparations from Germany. But the Communist PPR violated the pact made with Mikolajczyk and he was compelled to break away from the government bloc in August and form an independent Peasant 20 BibliotecaGino Bianco