Liston M. Oak - Free and unfettered

in any nation who can be terrorized; James Byrnes' Stuttgart speech indubitably injured the PSL ; and Poles long for national unity and peace. · The most effective propaganda broadcast by the Government Bloc was to the effect that a PSL victory would mean (1) a return to the prewar reactionary dictatorship, and ( 2) loss of the "reconquered Western territories" to Germany, and (3) anotlier direct invasion by the Re.clArmy. In so far as the PSL lost strength; it was due as much to these arguments as to terror. · Greatly though Poles hate Communism, they prefer Polish· to Russian Communists, and almost to a man they are determined to keep the Western territories and not to go back to the status q1;10 -ante bellum. And contributing heavily to the decrease in the number of PSL votes was the refusal of the Church to issue a pastoral letter supporting the PSL. The official-and of course distorted-returns gave the PSL 4,000,000 votes in the July referendum out of I 2,000,000, and only 1,100,000 in the January 19 elections. The election in Poland demonstrates once again that Communists, in power, will no longer cooperate with liberals or democratic Socialists. It proved that Communists believe in freedom only for themselves, and that they believe in democracy only as a weapon to destroy democracy. It showed again that Communism is an international conspiracy. How will the 'Moscow-Warsaw axis exploit its victory? A PRISONER GF THE KREMLIN. "As a prewar Socialist leader, Jozef Cyi;ankiewicz espoused democratic ideals, attacked Communism, rejected totalitarianism. During the war he was a leader of the famous WRN ("Freedom, ·:, Equality and Independence") which resisted the Nazis heroically, and which participated in the Warsa~ Uprising. · He was a . : fOmrade of Zygmunt Zulawski, now an ino/.'pendent Socialist .. ,, ppposed to the Government bloc, and of such Polish Socialists , ! ; ,abroad as Tomasz Arciszewski. I predict that at some future ''] . 17 ;;/; I . i. I'. BibliotecaGino Bianco