Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

PRODUCTION. ·· What about production," you ask; " how is it to be managed?" . we nave aiready seen wnat ,principles must underlie tue activiue.s of the revolution it it is to be social and accomplisll 1ts aims. ·1nr same prmciples of freedom and ·voluntary co-operation must also direct me re-organisation .of the industries. 1 ne tirst etfect oi me revolution is reduced product10.,. The gene1a1 stnke, whjcl! 1 have 1orecast as the starting po11,t of· the soc1a1revomuon, itseII constitutes a suspension of moustry. The workers Jay down their tools, demonstrate in the streets, and thus tempqranly stop production. . .but goes on. The essential needs of the people must be sausned. 1n that stage the revolution lives on the supplies already on nand. .8ut to exhaust those supplies would be disastrous. The s1tuat10n rests in the hands of labour: the immediate resumption or mdustry 1srmperative. .Tile organised agricultural and industrial proletaria_t takes possession of the land, factories, shops, mines and mills. Most energetic application is now the order oi the day. ·It should oe_dearly understood that the soc,ial revolution necessi• tates more intensive production than under capitalism in order to supply the needs of the· large masses who till then had lived in penury. '!'his greater production can be achieved only by the workers having previously prepared themselves for the new situation. .t•amiliarity with the processes of industry, knowledge of the sources of supply, and cletermination to succeed will accomplish the task. The enthusiasm gene,rated by the revolution, the energies liberated, and the inventiveness stimulated ,by it must be given full freedom and scope to find creative channels. Revolution always wakens a high degree of responsibility. Together with the new atmosphere of liberty and brotherhood it creates the realisation that hard work and s~vere self-discipline are necessary to bring production up to the requirements of consumption. On the other hand, the new situation will greatly simplify the present very complex problems of industry. For you must consider that capitalism, because of its competitive character and contradictory financial and commercial interests, involves many intricate and perplexing issues which would be entirely eliminated by the abolition of the conditions of to-day. Questions of wage scales and 90 BibllotecaG noBianco