Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

A.B.C. OF ANARCHISM workers that the shipments were intended for France. In the course of my work collecting historic material in Russia, in 192? and 1921, I ·came into possession of official British documents, provmg that the shipments had been immediately forwarded from France, by direct orders of the British Government, to the counter-revolutionary generals in the North of Russia who had estab:lished there the so-called Tchaikovsky-Miller Government. This incident-one out of-many-demonstrate_s the wholesome fear the powers that be have of the awakening class-consciousness and solidarity of the international proletariat. • The stronger the workers grow in this spirit the more effective will be their struggle for emancipation. Class-consciousness and solidarity must assume national and international proportions before labour can attain its full strength.. Wherever there· is injustice, wherever persecution and suppression-be it the subjugation of the Philippines, the invasion of Nicaragua, the enslavement of the toilers in the Congo by Belgian exploiters, the oppression of the masses in Egypt, China, Morocco, or India-it is the business of ~he workers everywhere to raise their voice against all such outrages and demonstrate their solidarity in the common cause of the despoiled and ,disinherited throughout the world. Labour is slowly adva_ncing to this social consciousness : strikes and other sympathetic expressions are a valuable manifestation of this spirit. If the greater number of strikes are lost at present, it is because the proletariat is not yet fully aware of its national and international interests, is not organised on the right principles, and does not sufficiently 'realise the need of world-wide co-operation. Your daily struggles for bett,er conditions would quickly assume· a different character if you were organised in such a manner that when your factory or mine goes on strike, the whole industry should quit work; not gradually but at once, all at the same time. Then the employer ,would be at your mercy, for what could he do when not a wheel turns in the whole industry? He can get enough strikebreakers for one or a few ·mills, but an entire industry cannot be supplied with them, nor would he consider it safo or advisable. Moreover, suspension of work in· any one industry would immediately affect a large number of others, because modern industry is interwoven. The situation would become the direct coPcern of the whole country, the public would be aroused and demand a settlement. (At present, when your single factory strikes, no one cares and you may starve as long as you remain quiet). That settlement would again depend on yourself, on the strength of your organisation:· When the bosses would see that you know your power and 70 B:blloteca G l"O Bianco