Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

ORGANISATION OF LABOUR FOR THE SOCIAL REVOLUTION. · Proper preparation, as suggested in the preceding pages, will. greatly enlighten the task of the social revolution and assure its healthy development and functioning. Now, what will be the main functions of the revolution? Every country has its specific conditions, its own psychology,. habits, and traditions, and the process of revolution will naturally reflect the peculiarities of every land and its people. But fundamentally all countries are alike in their social (rather anti-social) character : whatever the political forms of economic conditions,. they are all built on invasive authority, on monopoly, on the exploitation of labour. The main task of the social revolution is therefore essentially the same everywhere: the abolition of government and. of economic inequality, and the socialisation of the means of production and distribution. Production, distribution, and communication are the basic sources of existence ; upon them rests the power of coercive authority and capital. Deprived of that power, governors and, rulers become just ordinary men, like you and me, common citizens among millions• of others. To accomplish that is consequently the primal and most vit;tl function of the social revolution. We know that revolution· begins with street disturbances andl outbreaks : it is the initial phase which _involvesforce and violence. But that is merely the spectacular prologue of the real revolution. The age long misery and indignity suffered by the masses burst int<:> disorder anp tumult, the humiliation and injustice meekly borne for decades find vent in acts of iury and destruction. That is inevitable, and it is solely the master class which is responsible for this preliminary character of revolution. For it is even more true· socially than individually that "whoever sows the wind will reap the whirlwind; the greater the oppression and wretchedness to· · which the masses had been made to submit, the fiercer will rage the social storm. All history proves it, but the lords of life have never· harkened to its warning voice. This phase of the revolution is of short duration. It is usually· followed by the more conscious, yet still spontaneous, destruction of the citadels of authority, the visible symbols of organised violence· and brutality : jails, police stations, and other government build~ ings arc :ittacked, the prisoners liberate::!, legal documents destroye::I.. 63 BibllotecaGino Bianco