Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

PREPARATION k Of Co-operation of solidaric purpose, of mutual effort. wor · ' k h · · ·11 • M be you think this too slow a process, a wor t at w1 take . l~~g Yes I must admit that it is a difficult task. But ask too rself 0 if it i~ better to build your new house quickly and badly !~~ have it 'break down over your head, rather than do it efficiently, en if it requires longer and harder work. cvRemember that the social revolution represents the liberty and welfare af the whole of manhood, th_at the ~omplete and . final emancipation of labour depends upon 1t. Consider also that 1f the work is badly done, all the effort and suffering involv~d in it will be for nothing and perhaps even worse than for nothmg, because making a botch job of revolution means putting a new tyranny in place of the ~Id, and new tyran~ies, because _they ~re new, have a new lease of hfe. It means forgmg new chams which are stronger than the old. Consider also that the social revolution we have in mind is to accomplish the work that many gener:i,tions of men have been labouring to achieve, for the whole history of man has been a struggle of liberty against · servitude, of social well-being against poverty and wretchedness, of justice against iniquity. What we call progress has been a painful but continuous march in the direction af limited authority and the power of government and increasing the rights and liberties of the individual, of the masses. It has beep a struggle that ·has taken thousands of years. The reason that it took such a long time-and is not ended yet-is because people did not know what the real trouble was : they fought against this and for that, they changed kings and formed new governments, they put out one ruler only to set up another, they ~rove away a " foreign " oppressor only to suffer the yoke of a native o!1e,they abolished one ·form of tyranny, such as the Tsar's, a~d subm1tte? to· that of a party dictatorship, and always and ever. they shed their blood and heroically sacrificed their lives in the hope of securing:·liberty and welfare. Bu! they secured only new masters, because however desperately :d n~bl">t:hey fought, t_heynever touched the real source of trouble, the prmczple of authorz~y and government. They did n?t know that that ~as. th~.fountam-head of enslavement and oppression, and e~ore_ they. never _succeed~~ in g~ining _liberty. . k" ~ow we understand that true liberty 1snot a matter of changmg 1ngs I' · and r _or ru ers.. We know tha't the whole system of ma·ster 5 ave must go, that the ·entire social scheme is wrong; that ~e~f~! hn~ ~ompulsion niu·st be abolished; that the very foundas O aut onty and' i:nonopoly i:nusf be 'uproot~d ... Do you still B bh0tec'- G ro Bianco