Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

PREPARATION . . t' Prepare for revolution ! " exclaims your friend; " is that possible ? " Yes. Not only is it possible but absolutely necessary. "Do you refer to secret preparations, armed bands, and men to lead the fight?" you ask. No, my friend, not that at all. If the social revolution meant only street battles and barricades, then the preparations you have in mind would be the thing. But revolution does not signify that; at least the fighting phase of it is the smallest and least important part. The truth is, in modern times revolution does not mean barricades any more. These belong to the past. The social revolution is a far different and more essential matter : it involves the re-organisation of the entire life of society. You·will agree that this is certainly not to be accomplished by mere fighting. Of course, the obstacles in the path of the social reconstruction have to be removed. That is to say, the means of that reconstruction must be secured by the masses. Those means are at present in the hands of government and capitalism, and these will resist every effort to deprive them of their power and possessions. That resistance will in.volve a fight. But remember that the fight is not the main thing, is not the object, not the revolution. It is only the prdfac-e, the preliminary to it. It is very necessary that you get this straight. Most people have very confused notions about revolution. To them it means just fighting, smashing things, destroying. It is the same as if rolling up your sleeves for work should be considered as the work itself that you have to do. The fighting part of revolution is merely the rolling up of your sleeves. The real, actual task is ahead. What is that task ? "The destruction of the exi~ting conditions," you reply. ,. True. But conditions are not destroyed by breal<ing and smashing things. You can't destroy wage slavery by wrecking the machinery in the mills and factories, can you ? You won't destroy government by setting fire to the White House. To think of revolution in terms ott violence and destruction is to misinterpret and falsify the whoie idea of it. In practical application such a conception is bound to lead to disastrous results. 52 Biblioteca Gino Bianco