Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

IS ANARCHY POSSIBLE? injustice, from the evil, c~rruption, a~d filth of our present-day life, is instinctively sympat!-:etic to Anarcny. Every one whose heart is not dead to kindness, compassion, and fellow-sympathy must be interesned in furthering it. Every one who has to endure poverty and misery, tyranny and oppression should welcome the coming of Anarchy. Every liberty and justice-loving man and woman should help realise it. And foremost and most vitally of all, the subjected and submerged of the world must be inve_restedin it. Those who build palaces and Jive in hovels; who set the table of life but are not permitted to partake of the repast ; :,vho~reat~ the wealth o_fthe world and are disinherited; who fill hfe with Joy and sunshine, and themselves remain scorned in the depths of darkness; the Samson of !ife shorn of his strength by the hand. of fear and ignorance; the helpless Giant of Labour, the proletariat of brain and brawn, the industrial and agrarian masses-these should most gladly embrace. Anarchy. It is to them that Anarchism makes the strongest appeal; it is they who, first and foremost, must work for the new day that is to give them back their inheritance and bring liberty and well-being, joy and sunshine to the whole of mankind. " A splendid thing," you remark; '" but will it work? And how shall we attain it ? '.' 81bhoteca G 110 Bianco