Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

A.B.C. OF ANARCHISM the matter of defence against foreign attack, as in all other problems . of the social reyolution,- the active interest of the masses, _their autonomy and self-determination are the best guarantee of success. Understand well that the only really effective defence of the revolution lies in the attitude of the people. Popular discontent is the worst enemy of the revolution and its greatest danger. We must always bear in mind that the strength of the social revolution is organic, not mechanistic : not in mechanical, military measures lies.its ,strength, but in its industry, in its ability to reconstruct life, to establish Iil:>ertyand justice. Let the people feel that it is indeed their own cause· which is at stake, and the last man of them will fight like a \ion. in its behalf. T_he same applies to internal as to external defence. What chance would any White general or counter-revolutionist have if he c6uld not exploit:oppression and injustice to incite the people against tht, revolution? Counter-revolution can feed only on popular discontent. Where the masses are conscious that the-revolution and all its activities are in their own hands, that they themselves are managing things and are free to change their methods when they c9nsider it necessary, counter-reyolution can find no support and is harmless. " Bl!t would you let counter-revolutionists incite the people if they. tried tof " By. all means. Let them talk as they like. To restrain them would -serve only to create a persecuted class and thereby enli~t pepular· sympathy for them· and their cause. To suppress speech an.d pi:ess is not only a theoretic offence against liberty : it is a direct blpw at tpe v.ery foundations of the revolution. It would, fir.stef l!,11 1 raise problems where noi:iehad existed before. It "{Ould i~troauce methoHs which must lead to discontent and opposition, to bitterness and strife,, to prison, Tcheka, and civil war. It would generate fear and distrust, would hatch conspiracies, and culminate in .a reign of terror which has always killed revolutions in the past. The social revolution must from the very start be based on entirely different principles, on a .new conception and attitude. Full freedom is the very breath of its existence; and be it never forgotten that the cure for evil and disorder is more liberty, not suppression. Suppression lead~ only to _violenceand destruction. " not defend the.z:evolution then?\' your friend demands. Certainly we :will. But not against mere talk, not against an .expression of opinion. The revolution must be big enough to welcome even-tqe severest criticism, and profit by it if it is justified. The revolution will defend itself most determinedly· against real 100 B1blioteca G no Bianco