William E. Bohannan - A letter to american negroes

place, JUSt as was done wit~ t~e slaveholders when they refused to accept the will of the maionty. The Socialist Workers Party What 1 have written above is a brief outline of the ideas and principles of the Socialist Workers Party, whose members are often called Trotskyists. lt was born 20 years ago when a number "First Class Citizenship" Along with inflation, the immediate issue of the day is civi} rights - particularly the fight to win first-class citizenship for the Negro people. For 16 years the Democratic administration has sabotaged every move to end Jim Crow discrimination and segregation. Now, three months before the elections, Truman attempts a grandstand play for the Negro vote. He issued two executive orders purporting to end discrimination in government departments and the armed forces. Everyone can see the fraud in these orders. The order on FARRELL D0185 the armed forces is silent about the key for l'resldHf issue - segregation. The real meaning of this order is - segregation remains! If inflation is to be curbed, if the Jim Crow system is to be destroyed root and branch, it will be done only by the mobilization of the working people of all races, united in mass action behind their own program. That is the cause for which my party and I speak. -From an article in The Militant, Aug. 2, 1948, by Farrell Dobbs, Presidential candidate of the Socialist Workers Party of members of the Communist Party were expelled because they rebelled against the policies of Stalin and his fellow-bureaucrats and warned that Stalinism would betray the interests of the workers in Russia and elsewhere. These warnings turned out to be fully justified. The Stalinists were and are concerned only with defending the privileges of the bureaucrats in Russia. To do so, they have repeatedly sold out the interests of the masses. One example was Stalin's sale of oil to Mussolini while the fascist gangsters were invading Ethiopia. Another was their behavior in this country in World vVar II 8 Biblioteca Gino Bianco