William E. Bohannan - A letter to american negroes

and why the Negro people should place no confidence in him and his program. What Our Party Offers Brothers and sisters! I£ you are burning with resentment against injustice and want to change things so that our children can grow up in a decent world, your place is with us in the Socialist Workers Party. As you can see for yourselves, our party is not like the others. We have nothing in common with the politicians who come around spouting promises about what they will do for you if you "Unite the Workers of All Races!" Smash the Jim Crow system! Full economic, political and social equality for the Negro people and other minorities! Pass and enforce legislation to punish lynching, abolish the poll tax, establish a Fair Employment Practices Committee with power to root out discriminatory practices, eliminate segregation wherever it exists! . . . . . . . . Unite the workers of all races for the common struggle against their exploiters! -From the 1948 Election Platform of the Socialist Workers Party vote for them. We warn you now: Nobody is going to hand you anything on a platter. We never got anything without fighting for it in the past, and we won't now either. What the Socialist Workers Party has to offer you is not vote-catching promises but a program that teaches the workers of all races what they can do for themselves when they organize and use their political power. And there is nothing in the world more necessary and precious than that. There are those who will tell you that voting for the Socialist Workers Party is wasting your vote because the SWP cannot possibly win in 1948. Such an argument is false to the core. The way to waste your vote is by giving it to a candidate who is openly or secretly a friend of the Jim Crow system, whether he can win or not. The way to use your vote most effectively is to cast it for 14 Biblioteca Gino Bianco